Mutual Fund Investing Terms
Class A Share -
On a Class A share you generally pay a higher up front fee when purchasing shares, but the yearly management fees are lower. Class A shares are generally better when investing long term.
Class B Share -
On a Class B share you generally pay a higher yearly maintainence fee but you do not pay a fee upfront. Instead a fee is charged when you redeem your shares. Generally, the fee is reduced the longer you hold onto shares and often Class B shares will convert to Class A shares after a specified number of years.
Closed End Fund -
A closed end fund issues a fixed amount of shares. After these shares have been issued, a closed end fund will trade on the open market just like a regular stock.
This is a percentage of a mutual funds total assets that are used for expenses including management fees and operational fees. As an investor, the lower the percentage is, the less money you are having to pay from the fund's assets.
Front End Load-
A front end load is the charge associated with purchasing shares. It is a percentage based on the amount invested usually only associated with Class A shares.
Net Asset Value, this is the value of a fund's holdings less its liabilities. This is the value of each share of a fund calculated on a daily basis.
No Load Fund-
A no load fund is simply a fund that doesn't charge a fee for purchasing shares. In some funds higher yearly fees are charged for this convenience.
Open Ended Fund-
Most mutual funds are open ended funds that continue to issue new shares to investors. There is no restriction on the number of shares an open ended fund can issue.
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