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General Electric Company (GE) Dividend History
Consecutive Dividend Increases:                      0
Average Dividend Increase since 1975:       5.08%
Average Dividend Decrease since 2000:     -1.56%
Biggest Dividend Inc. was in 2011 for        32.61%
Biggest Dividend Dec. was in 2019 for     -91.67%
Years of Dividend Data for GE:  49

Number of Years with Dividend Increases:  39
Number of Years with Dividend Decreases:  4
Number of Years with No Change in Dividend: 6

Adj. Dividends Paid
Dividend Increase or Decrease
% Increase or Decrease
Actual Dividends Paid
 2023  0.32 0.00 0.00%  0.32
 2022  0.32 0.00 0.00%  0.32
 2021  0.32 0.00 0.00%  0.32
 2020  0.32 0.00 0.00%  0.04
 2019  0.32  -3.52  -91.67%  0.04
 2018  3.84  -3.84  -50.00%  0.48
 2017  7.68 0.32 4.35%  0.96
 2016  7.36 0.00 0.00%  0.92
 2015  7.36 0.32 4.55%  0.92
 2014  7.04 0.96 15.79%  0.88
 2013  6.08 0.64 11.76%  0.76
 2012  5.44 0.56 11.48%  0.68
 2011  4.88 1.20 32.61%  0.61
 2010 3.68  -1.20  -24.59% 0.46
 2009  4.88  -5.04  -50.81%  0.61
 2008  9.92 0.72
 7.83%  1.24
 2007  9.20 0.96
 11.65%  1.15
 2006  8.24  0.96  13.19%  1.03
 2005  7.28  0.72  10.98%  0.91
 2004  6.56  0.40  6.49%  0.82
 2003  6.16  0.32  5.48%  0.77
 2002 5.84  0.56  10.61% 0.73
 2001  5.28 0.72  15.79%  0.66
 2000  4.56  0.66664  17.12%  1.71
 1999  3.89336  0.56  16.80%  1.46
 1998  3.33336  0.55992  20.19%  1.25
 1997  2.77344  0.32  13.04%  2.08
 1996  2.45344  0.26688  12.21%  1.84
 1995  2.18656  0.26656  13.88%  1.64
 1994  1.92  0.24  14.29%  2.88
 1993  1.68  0.21664  14.80%  2.52
 1992  1.46336  0.10336  7.60%  2.20
 1991  1.36  0.10656  8.50%  2.04
 1990  1.25344  0.20  18.99%  1.88
 1989  1.05344  0.12  12.86%  1.58
 1988  0.93344  0.07344  8.54%  1.40
 1987  0.86  0.08656  11.19%  2.58
 1986  0.77344  0.04  5.45%  2.32
 1985 0.73344  0.06688  10.03% 2.20
 1984 0.66656  0.06656  11.09% 2.00
 1983 0.60  0.04992  9.08% 3.60
 1982  0.55008  0.03344  6.47%  3.30
 1981  0.51664  0.02512  5.11%  3.10
 1980  0.49152  0.0416  9.25%  2.95
 1979  0.44992  0.04992  12.48%  2.70
 1978  0.40  0.06672  20.02%  2.40
 1977  0.033328  0.0584  21.25%  2.00
 1976  0.27488  0.00832  3.12%  1.65
 1975  0.26656  0  0.00%  1.60
All dividends have been adjusted for any stock splits and special dividends have been excluded. Data is property of 1stock1 and written permission must be granted before redistributing any data (in part or in whole).
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